by Luke Farrugia | Aug 10, 2010 | Life
At AYC 2009, I met a guy by the name of Orion, he is a true brother in the faith, and he recently started a blog, (which I hope you re-visit) he is on the lookout for testimonies to add, but his first post is well worth being read, so I thought I would share it with...
by Luke Farrugia | Jul 20, 2010 | Adventist, gospel
A couple of weeks ago I had the privelage of leading out in Midweek fellowship at my church and the topic of the night was the experience of salvation, so i thought i would post the notes if any of you were interested… God bless. Luke. [note:these words are not...
by Luke Farrugia | Jun 12, 2010 | Adventist, gospel, Life
Many People reject the idea of Christianity, claiming they have intellectual objections to the faith, however this I have found this to be true only a small fraction of the time, usually this objection merely covers an emotional reason, maybe the Christians they have...
by Luke Farrugia | Apr 2, 2010 | gospel, Life
Your foggy mind slowly ascends into the realms of consciousness, you can discern daylight filtering into your room through the window with nothing more than a weathered cloth tacked over it. You relax at first, figuring that you have plenty of time before running off...
by Luke Farrugia | Mar 27, 2010 | gospel, Life, Travel
In recent weeks I have discussed this topic with a few people, so I figured, why not share my thoughts with the world. Death is a peculiar thing, it is common as birth, it is going on around us all the time, yet we never seem to get accustomed to it, it totally shocks...