Strong Ideas, Loosely Held

Strong Ideas, Loosely Held

The Kernel of Truth An often-repeated maxim of the tech/entrepreneurship world “strong ideas, loosely held” has been used to justify much erratic decision making and many arrogant attitudes over the years. However, like many powerful quotes or ideas that...
Staying connected while working remotely

Staying connected while working remotely

We often think about organisations as a faceless emotionless monolith, but in reality, an organisation is simply a collection of individuals working toward a common goal. Now if your organisation is going to accomplish that goal, then you must treat your people with...
I don’t want to use cash, just the right to

I don’t want to use cash, just the right to

I am not an alarmist and usually abhor sharing petitions, but as someone who loves both technology and history I feel this is one I am in a position to share. This petition is asking the government to preserve physical cash in law. Seems weird, I know. Hear me...
My Talk at the CBO Breakfast

My Talk at the CBO Breakfast

Here in Bundaberg there is a Christian Business breakfast that I have really enjoyed attending several times. Recently David (the organiser of the event) asked me to give a talk at the upcoming breakfast about how my faith effects my business. He was also kind enough...