Well as many of you will know the worldwide adventist church now has a new President (Pr Ted Wilson) one who is already drawing “Friendly fire” for his opening remarks, please decide for yourself…
He stated that these are early days and he still has to flesh out these priorities, but he said his first emphasis will be on revival and reformation.
Another priority will be to lift up the Spirit of Prophecy to be more than devotional-level reading, and to employ them for instruction and counsel. Another issue he addressed was the use of Scripture. In interpreting Scripture, we must make sure we are not following the historical critical approach, he warned.
In evangelism he wants to focus on the great metropolitan areas of the world where more than 50 percent of the population lives.
Asked what his approach would be to bring unity into a divided church, Wilson replied that unity cannot be coerced. What binds us together are our beliefs, but ultimately it is only through the work of the Holy Spirit that unity will prevail, as we remain faithful to Scripture. Adventist Today Website
When I read that, my immediate thoughts were positive ones, revival, reformation, elevate the Spirit of Prophecy and only through the Holy spirit can unity prevail, in my ever so humble opinion, that should buoy our spirits! these goals (I believe) actively attack the havoc that the enemy of souls is working in our church.
I thank God for a leader whom I have heard via other sources, supports the GYC/AYC movement and unashamedly promotes the pillars of our faith.
However, you cannot please all of the people all of the time and I could not help but notice the dramatic negative response in the comments section of the article recording such statement as;
[After stating that the Holy spirit’s work cannot be stopped this commentator wrote-]
“Ted and his well meaning, but misguided dinosaurs (Batchelorurus rex and Goldsteinasaurus) are doomed”
Some even alluded to our stance on Biblical creation, homosexuality and the ordination of women being in need of revision, the great majority of responders unfortunately took negative stances against our conservative theology and the Spirit of Prophecy, which brings this sobering quote to mind…
The very last deception of Satan will be to make of none effect the testimony of the Spirit of God. ‘Where there is no vision, the people perish’ (Prov. 29:18). Satan will work ingeniously, in different ways and through different agencies, to unsettle the confidenceof God’s remnant people in the true testimony. [1SM p48]
We are entering auspicious times my brothers and sisters, so I implore each of you to pray for our leaders, particularly Pr Ted Wilson as he assumes his position at the helm, they are the ones God has selected to lead the church at this time, as it says in Daniel 2:21 “he removeth kings, and setteth up kings” Let us have faith that it is the Holy spirit leading our church and not a man.