Oslo Tragedy

Anders Behring Breivik a name  unknown to the world, just this weekend, became an global headline. Anders is responsible for the deaths of  over 90 people after he bombed a central area of the Oslo CBD(killing 7), then proceded to gain access to an island where a...

So… We are still here.

As most of you have likely noticed, we are still here… There was no rapture event last night as was predicted. Earth is still spinning as usual… For you and I at least that may be true… But guess what? Over 50,000 people were faced with their...

The UK is a Christian Nation… right?

A brother of mine forwarded this link to me yesterday, heralding another step back toward the dark ages as religious liberties are progressively removed from the people. Whatever happened to freedom of conscience in regard to religion? We are approaching the end of...

Prophetic gift

The Following is a Bible Study I put together recently about the Prophetic Gift and Ellen White after being asked by some people I have the pleasure of studying with, I apologize if anything is unclear as this study does assume some prior knowledge of prophecy, I hope...