Lake Monduran Camp

by | Jun 25, 2010 | Adventist, Events, Travel

Last weekend, I was fortunate enough to attend the SDA youth Camp at Lake Monduran, and just wanted to quickly share with you what it was like…

(note: I am omitting many things this is just a super-quick overview)

Friday Night

Arrived and setup just before Sabbath but as the speakers (and most of the attendees) were late, the few of us who were there opened Sabbath together.

As more people flowed in, Pr Willie Strickland took the evening message which was on Luke 8:26-39 about Transformation, and just like the possessed man, whom Jesus Cleansed, he wants to make us whole and totally transform us.

After that we simply fellowshipped with eachother and sung until lights-out.


Firstly I Prepared for my sermon as I had to leave the camp to preach at a Church which was about an hour away. Unfortunately that meant I missed much of Sabbath at the Camp, but upon my return (about 3pm I guess) I joined in on the bush walk which was just starting, Lake monduran is truly a pretty place and Nature always has a fantastic effect on me… In the evening, They showed a movie but a few of us defected to the campfire instead, it was a great night, more singing, laughter and general campfire warmth.


The Sunday morning message, delivered by Pr Steve Kane, was about Picking God first , He chose us first, the only logical response is to pick him first in our lives too, he used some great real-life illustrations as well which I don’t have time to share, but the message was  good.

The final day brought many activities, volleyball, basketball, water-slide, canoeing, which were all much fun (I stuck to the drier, warmer pursuits). in the end they announced the camp a success and the conference would be running two such camps each year.

As I had already packed up my gear at lunchtime I was fortunately free to help out with the clean-up and packing other tents etc. in the end, (4:30-ish) aside the lady who was locking up, I was the last one out… which is normal, my family always seem to be last to leave anything we attend, hehe.

In conclusion I thank God for all the blessings and the fellowship of my brothers and sisters in the faith, looking forward to dragging along my church family with me next time. 🙂