Introducing Seth!

Introducing Seth!

Today is a very special edition. By now you all know I am a dad but I thought it is finally time to do a formal introduction. If you are the kind of person who groans at proud parents sharing baby photos, you may wish to look away.Having said that, I have tried to...
Maternity Photos

Maternity Photos

Maternity Photos As most of you know, we are expecting our first awesome little person on or about the third of March. So we are certainly on the parental rollercoaster with all its new, beautiful and unexpected experiences. Amongst all those experiences we have been...
Why you keep breaking your New Years resolutions

Why you keep breaking your New Years resolutions

As we are running up to the end of a year, it is a time for celebration with friends and family, but it is also often a time of big decisions and resolutions, This morning I shared my thoughts on why almost everyone breaks their resolutions and how to fix it. Have a...
TOJ#7: The Lie of Intensity

TOJ#7: The Lie of Intensity

There is a massive lie that I see EVERYWHERE that I am going to tackle today, The Lie is that success is built on intensity, but the truth is, success is built on consistency. I talk about the root of the issue and share tactics on how I overcome the problem in my...
TOJ#7: The Lie of Intensity

TOJ#2: The Power of Questions

I used to think that questions were only for unintelligent people, then I found out the opposite is true, smart people ask questions. In this episode I tell you how questions have improved my life and also share the exact list of questions that I use to bring clarity...