
You may remember my post last week, called the Cessation of Life. At the end of it I promised a followup post about Pascal’s Wager, well it is in the works and you can expect it tomorrow morning. I will be interested to hear what you all think of it… Here...

Few days break

I will still be writing up the rest of my AYC notes but I am taking a break for a few days to concentrate more on an upcoming sermon. thanks for your patience. Luke.

Why I am leaving Facebook

Some of you may recall my social experiment a little while ago, in which I restricted my time on Facebook and indeed experienced the benefits, when I returned to the book of face I was determined to keep these smart surfing habits, unfortunately this was destined to...

Work Work… Write

The Lord Has been Blessing me with more regular work lately, as a result my time has been more limited but I have started on a new post, which I believe will be worth reading, as I really feel it is greatly misunderstood by the world. The title will be...

My Re-Birthday

Well it has been one full year since I was Baptized (see initial post) and what a year it has been… there have been many firsts and many steep learning curves, the road to maturity seems linear until baptism, at which point it becomes exponential, since being...