Reactive or Proactive?

Reactive or Proactive?

As you arch over a chess board in silence, and your opponent makes a crushing move, your gameplay changes dramatically. You must now react, and that gives your opponent the advantage. By putting you into a defensive mode he is safe from attack. It is the same in life,...

Steve Jobs:Dead

Steve Jobs was possibly one of, if not the most significant person to ever walk into the technology industry, and as I am sure most of you are aware, he died today. In his wake he leaves a battery of world-changing products like the iPod the iPhone, the many...

Apple Releases the iPad 2

Well it happened at 4am our time this auspicious morning, Apple released it’s hotly anticipated iPad2. In a succinct way, I just wanted to recap the highlights for those interested. The questions that have been on the mind of every gadget guru have been...