by Luke Farrugia | Oct 26, 2014 | gospel, Uncategorized
Bzzzzzzt… Bzzzzzzt… That’s the noise my phone makes every morning at 5am as the alarm begins it important work of extracting me from bed. I don’t like it… At all. So why do it? Some may think it is because I need to get to work, but that...
by Luke Farrugia | Oct 12, 2014 | gospel
Even though he never argued with anyone, Jesus is the greatest defender of the faith to walk the earth. No matter how tricky the situation, with only a few words he was always able to send the would-be adversary away speechless. Today I want to share one of these...
by Luke Farrugia | Mar 19, 2010 | Adventist, gospel
Peter Gregory – Morning Devotions 1 Peter Gregory (IONA missions) Had morning Devotions each day, and whilst they were all powerful messages, I was struck by the simplicity and impact of this one. “The LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there...