Morning Manna

Morning Manna

Bzzzzzzt… Bzzzzzzt… That’s the noise my phone makes every morning at 5am as the alarm begins it important work of extracting me from bed. I don’t like it… At all. So why do it? Some may think it is because I need to get to work, but that...
Who’s image do you bear?

Who’s image do you bear?

Even though he never argued with anyone, Jesus is the greatest defender of the faith to walk the earth. No matter how tricky the situation, with only a few words he was always able to send the would-be adversary away speechless. Today I want to share one of these...

AYC 2010 “GO” Part:7

Peter Gregory – Morning Devotions 1 Peter Gregory (IONA missions) Had morning Devotions each day, and whilst they were all powerful messages, I was struck by the simplicity and impact of this one. “The LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there...