by Luke Farrugia | Jul 17, 2016 | gospel How it all started I walked slowly down the aisle of books, eyes scouring the shelves, brain slowly digesting titles, trying to do my best impersonation of Google, seeking something,...
by Luke Farrugia | Nov 3, 2014 | gospel
Has anyone ever read you a message without announcing who sent it? Then when they get to the end and tell you, the first thing you want to do is read the message again, because now you know who it is coming from, the words mean something totally different. This...
by Luke Farrugia | Oct 26, 2014 | gospel, Uncategorized
Bzzzzzzt… Bzzzzzzt… That’s the noise my phone makes every morning at 5am as the alarm begins it important work of extracting me from bed. I don’t like it… At all. So why do it? Some may think it is because I need to get to work, but that...
by Luke Farrugia | Oct 12, 2014 | gospel
Even though he never argued with anyone, Jesus is the greatest defender of the faith to walk the earth. No matter how tricky the situation, with only a few words he was always able to send the would-be adversary away speechless. Today I want to share one of these...
by Luke Farrugia | Oct 5, 2014 | gospel
During the time of Passover, the Israelites were supposed to rid themselves and their houses of anything containing leaven, this is because leaven was symbolic of sin and Passover was symbolic of their deliverance from sin. This is what makes the story of Jesus...