by Luke Farrugia | Jun 12, 2010 | Adventist, gospel, Life
Many People reject the idea of Christianity, claiming they have intellectual objections to the faith, however this I have found this to be true only a small fraction of the time, usually this objection merely covers an emotional reason, maybe the Christians they have...
by Luke Farrugia | Apr 2, 2010 | gospel, Life
Your foggy mind slowly ascends into the realms of consciousness, you can discern daylight filtering into your room through the window with nothing more than a weathered cloth tacked over it. You relax at first, figuring that you have plenty of time before running off...
by Luke Farrugia | Apr 1, 2010 | Announcement
You may remember my post last week, called the Cessation of Life. At the end of it I promised a followup post about Pascal’s Wager, well it is in the works and you can expect it tomorrow morning. I will be interested to hear what you all think of it… Here...