Bzzzzzzt… Bzzzzzzt…
That’s the noise my phone makes every morning at 5am as the alarm begins it important work of extracting me from bed.
I don’t like it… At all.
So why do it?
Some may think it is because I need to get to work, but that is not it. After all, I work from home.
The real reason I do it is so I can start my day with God, feasting on his word before the cares of the day crowd out the still small voice, while the world is still quiet and it is just Him and I.
It really is a lot like the manna that the Israelites experienced in Exodus 16 which fell in the morning and melted away during the day (v.21)… It was their only means of physical nourishment. In the same way, spending time with God is our only means of spiritual nourishment. If I miss it, I know that means I am spiritually starving myself.
The purpose of my post today is a simple one. To encourage you to carve out that time every morning to connect with your maker because I have some hard news for you…
Church alone isn’t enough…
That’s like getting one meal per week and you don’t need me to tell you that’s a bad idea.
You need your store of manna replenished every day because it will not keep overnight.(Ex 16:20)
If you would like some extra encouragement to get motivated and bust our of the mediocrity and busyness that may be holding you back, a good friend of mine is sending out a weekly email for this very purpose. If you want to receive it click here .
Whether you do that or not, I strongly encourage you again to take that time.
It will change your life!