Hey! Thanks for actually taking the time to look this up, my message for you is right below… but the video is offline for now (Sorry about that!) Until I get that sorted, read the message below the video.

Firstly watch the video, then check out the info below
You can do it the other way around, but it won’t make a great deal of sense!
Hey! I am in the process of saving up for a special family project so I am resurrecting my old photography skills around work to help make the savings goal by the end of September.
Check out my services below and If you are interested, just let me know at the bottom of the page. If you know anyone else who would be interested, please share it with them too.
Profile Photos
Want a profile photo that looks great and projects your personality?
On site portraits often start at $200 but I want to make it accessible, so literally anyone can have a profile photo that is sharp and attractive, and to be honest… in order to meet our goal, I’m willing to undercharge to get the work.
I’m willing to come and do the shoot and supply you with one processed shot for $40 OR the 5 best shots for $60. If more than one person is booking in, I’m happy to do special deals for groups.
Car Photos
No matter whether you are selling your car or just want an awesome photo of your ride to share with others, a quality photo makes all the difference.
Again happy to undercharge to meet my September 30, goal. $50 for the shoot and one fully edited photo. $80 for the top five shots.
This includes scouting for a good location and time of day.
Time Left
Contact me
You can email me using the form here, text or call me on 0405112906