by Luke Farrugia | Oct 26, 2014 | gospel, Uncategorized
Bzzzzzzt… Bzzzzzzt… That’s the noise my phone makes every morning at 5am as the alarm begins it important work of extracting me from bed. I don’t like it… At all. So why do it? Some may think it is because I need to get to work, but that...
by Luke Farrugia | Mar 9, 2013 | Uncategorized
As I was reading the word today I came across this passage… It made me long to be of a different spirit; Just like Caleb was… It is challenging when we think of what that really means. When we look at the life of Caleb, we see a man who lived by faith and...
by Luke Farrugia | Feb 1, 2012 | music, Uncategorized
Sometimes we overlook treasures just because they live in plain sight, to today I want to share a little jewel of my household with you, it is a Cort Earth Series 150F which belongs to my Mum. it is a little neglected if you compare it to my regular guitar, but it is...
by Luke Farrugia | Aug 5, 2009 | Uncategorized
Well the time is fast approaching when I will be hiding behind the cross and delivering my first sermon, as we are now just two days away, I thought I would make a short post about it. It seems to have arrived all of a sudden and it is a little daunting but the...
by Luke Farrugia | Jun 23, 2009 | Life, music, Uncategorized
The one truly universal language is Music, it communicates to the very soul of a receptive hearer, I have always had a great love for music from my earliest recollection of being a huge John Farnham fan, then Elvis, through the pop and techno music of my early teen...
by Luke Farrugia | May 27, 2009 | Uncategorized
Goodmorning all! Yes it is true, Inspiration has visited upon me, stay tuned for 2 upcoming posts… one spiritual one musical.