AYC 2010 “GO” Part:8

by | Mar 24, 2010 | Adventist, Events, gospel, Travel

Rather than sermon notes, this post is in regard to door knocking. On the Saturday afternoon we all trod the pavement for practical evangelism. Sydney is indeed a tough place to do this, let me tell you what happened…

After we were divided into teams, we were given resources (survey forms, example study-guides, DVD’s etc) and finally sent out with a map.

The first string of doors we knocked on (“we” meaning my door-knocking partner, Lisa and I) were either not home or not appreciative of someone knocking on their door, although, throughout, we met many people, including an atheist, a jew, quite a few catholics and various others.

Our two success stories however, came in the form of a young guy by the name of Jorgan (if my memory serves), he was pulling a new mac out of his car as his last one was damaged in an office fire, he was a great guy and was happy to do the survey, eventually asking for Bible studies.

The other was a mother of two (whose name has unfortunately slipped my mind) she was a bit apprehensive at first but eventually relaxed, did the survey and also agreed to have Bible studies.

I can only imagine where the journey of these two people has been since we met them, but it is my prayer that they are treading the path that inescapably leads them to the feet of Jesus. I pray that the Bible workers who were assigned those studies will diligently labour for their souls.

I thank God for the success of my door knocking experience, however, there were many Christian souls working the doors that day who saw no immediate results, these are they who deserve the richest blessing, it takes courage to continue when all you can see is adversity, this is when we must remember what Jesus said in the great commission, that He would be with us always, even until the end of the age

Whether or not we succeed in our plans, if we honestly surrender to the Lord on a daily basis, we can be assured that His purpose is being worked out, as it says in Romans 8:28 “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good”

I don’t know about the Sydney door knocking experience, but we are organizing it to start here in our corner of the Lords vineyard, to bring it into the culture of our church, we have had our first session, which resulted in a few contacts, now we must simply continue in the way we are going, allowing the Lord to Guide.