This post is a guest appearance of sorts, Lindon Josefski, a friend of mine, who runs the Bundy Photo Challenge, shared this with me, and I instantly knew I wanted to share it with you. So without further ado, here are a few deep and well chosen words.
While down the farm spreading some fertilizer around some pawpaw trees, I thought, these trees are a little like us. Think about it, to start with while it was dry, we decided we had better set up some irrigation to keep them alive. Just like we need to be born again or baptized to be given eternal life (or to be kept alive).
Well that was fine, the trees flourished for a while. But just recently we noticed a number of the trees going yellow and the leaves going a little funny. We soon discovered that this was a mineral deficiency. Just like in our Christian life after we come to Christ, we go along fine, but some of us start to slow down and go off a little without spiritual minerals in our lives. So, fertilizer is needed to help the trees grow well as the soil does not have what the tress require to survive. We need that too, some maybe more than others, but we all need it.
Fruiting is another problem that you will get if the tree is not fed properly. Small fruit, deformed fruit, fruit that is not that good or even no fruit. As Christians we should have the best A1 grade fruit in our lives to share with others in this world. Gods Word is what we need to feed on. Without it we will die spiritually. But unlike these trees that get fed once every now and then and just take up what they need, we need to be constantly fed. Every day we need to meet with our Lord just to make it through.
So feed up on Gods Word today, tomorrow and every day so that you can grow strong in Him, so that you can do His work in this dying world.